A new world of motorsport.

After the Exo project found Proteus, our team went hard to work building racing playgrounds unlike any in history. Our circuits test the world’s best with mixed surfaces, high-speed zones, hairpins, and anything else we could throw at them. And just when you’ve learned them in one direction—we’ll flip you all the way around and make you learn ‘em again.


The very first ExoCross circuits, led by Speedring and “the most famous first turn in ExoCross.” What was originally like a forest on Earth was hit by major storms just a few years ago, turning the racing surface to dry sand. We’ve spiced it up with a little pavement, some bridges and tunnels, and just enough variations to always keep you on your toes


Feel the freedom of the open road. Like a wide open desert, we’ve carved Ultima’s seven layouts through the harshest patches of land we could find. Learn how to read the roads, don’t get too trigger happy on the tarmac, and see if you can keep all four wheels on the ground. Become one with your machine millions of miles away, and no one can stop you.


We didn’t stray too far from the formula when we built Megaterra, but it’s got a few more natural elevation changes and tricky sections to keep you from taking it for granted. From the paved chicane under the bridge that defines most layouts to the unforgiving Tower Underpass, these tracks bite back if you don’t give them the proper respect.


Think you’re something really special? Boreas will humble you. Not only is the track high above the unforgiving mountain snow and air, but there are also no walls on the edge of the track to save you—and that’s by popular demand of the drivers. Take a win here, and the world knows you’re serious about ExoCross. Just watch out for the target on your back.